Libra Occupational Therapy

Patient Info / Forms

Libra Occupational Therapy is dedicated to helping you identify the cause of your pain and creating a custom treatment program that will allow you to return to normal activities pain-free.

We are here to help you enjoy your life, pain-free! To make a convenient appointment, simply call us today at 469-296-9900 or click here to request an appointment.

Save time by filling out your forms beforehand!

At Libra Occupational Therapy, we want to maximize your time with us. If you would like to save time on your first visit, please print the following patient documents below, fill them out, and bring them with you to your first appointment. Otherwise, allow extra time before your appointment to fill them out here.

1Patient Intake Form

Patient Intake Form

2Privacy Practices Policy

Privacy Practices Policy

What to Wear:

We encourage you to wear clothing you are comfortable in that allows for movement and access to the area of your body that we will be addressing.

Initial Evaluation:

You will meet with an Occupational Therapist who will evaluate your injury or condition, discuss your goals and specific needs, and develop an individualized treatment plan based upon them, which might include length of your treatment course and frequency of visits based on your specific injury/condition, physician’s prescription, and your insurance plan allowance. You may be provided with a home exercise program that compliments your plan of care. The home program is an important part of the healing process and will assist you in achieving your goals.

What to Bring:

  • When coming into your first appointment, please remember to bring your ID, insurance cards/information, a list of your current medications, and your script/order for Occupational Therapy (if your doctor has not faxed it already).
  • Please show up at least 15-20 minutes before your scheduled appointment time. You can expect the initial evaluation visit to take approximately 40-60 minutes.
  • You may view, print, and fill out New Patient Forms at home so you do not have to fill them out in the office saving your time. You may submit your forms electronically to us via our secured e-mail. If you have any recent reports from your doctor involving details from a surgery, MRI or other test results, we encourage you to bring that information as well. If you are currently using a splint, sling, crutches, or assistive device for mobility, it is helpful if you bring them to your initial visit as well.